Wednesday, June 22, 2011

it's rocking back and forth and?

Hello friends,

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write a post on this but life on the ship has been a little crazy. Here's the breakdown so far.
After visiting Cole in Atlanta, I took my flight to Nassau, all the while hoping they (Delta) wouldn't lose my baggage. When we landed in the bahamas we were immediately greeted by a thunderstorm and a 45 minute airport delay. Apparently the plane in our gate had a mechanical error so we had to wait so they could tow it out. After a while we finally made it to customs, which actually went very very quickly, faster than the last time I went through DFW's. I met a couple friends in the line so that was cool. After making it to the port, a $27 cab ride later, I got off and was immediately greeted by some one from Semester at Sea. After walking through the port's security, I saw it, my ship, which was actually fairly small compared to the 15 deck Carnival behemoth behind it. Anyway. I got on ship with the rest of the work study people and was surprised to find out that my room was not only on deck 4 (the highest deck for students), but also had a huge window. Essentially, I lucked out.  My roommate, Matthew, wasn't there yet so I got to pick the best bed and closet space, which was cool. Matthew and the rest of the students got on the next day and suddenly the ship got way more crowded. Oh well.

The next evening, the ship left port and after being docked for 2 days, the entire student body suddenly couldn't stand up straight. As we got out further into the ocean, the ship rocked more and more, and everyone onboard rushed for their Dramamine. But now that we're 5 days in, most people seem to have their sea legs. The real challenge has been learning to read while the ship is rocking back in forth, it makes you both sick and exhausted. Add to the exhaustion the fact that we are losing an hour of sleep almost every night and little access to caffeine, and you have a recipe for some seriously tired people. Me included. 8am classes really stink when it feels like 5am.  Work so far has been pretty straight forward, just busy-work, but it's not too incredibly boring.

We're only three or four days from Barcelona and the whole ship is bustling with excitement. People are making plans and it's stressing me out, but I'll get the hang of winging plans eventually… hopefully. It's time for me to go to work, but I'll try and update this more often, definitely after Barcelona. See y'all soon. I also apologize for grammatical and spelling errors in this, autocorrect and my exhaustion is making a bad combination. 


Robbie Cook

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